Monday, March 19, 2012

Bulls Romp Magic 85-59

The Bulls put on a defensive show tonight, allowing just 59 points, the fewest in franchise history. With the defense playing as well as it did, the offense also clicked at times, getting much needed contributions from Carlos Boozer and John Lucas III.

The Magic began the game intent on shutting down Carlos Boozer. They doubled him as soon as he caught the ball, hoping to force early turnover and get out to an early lead. The Bulls, however, used their consistently high basketball IQ to outsmart this defensive adjustment, and break through from the post. The key is to get Boozer in a position where he is able to react quickly before the double team sets up.

One of the ways this was done was by giving Boozer a steady stream of backdoor cuts. As soon as Boozer received the pass, one of his teammates would immediately cut to the basket. Whether it was Ronnie  Brewer, Joakim Noah, etc. there was always someone ready to receive the pass down low for an easy layup.

Another method used was to use Boozer as the roller in a pick and roll situation. He would set a ball screen at the top of the key, and then catch an open look before either popping with a mid-range jumper or driving to the basket for a strong layup.  

Just as Boozer was incredibly effective from the post, John Lucas III provided a sharpshooting touch from the perimeter. Lucas scored nine first quarter points on 3/3 shooting, and was generally able to get his looks after coming off screens. The Magic couldn't fight through the strong picks set on the 3 point line, and Lucas cashed in on the opportunities.

This was a great team win for the Bulls, and credit needs to go to Tom Thibodeau for coaching his team through immense adversity this season. Carlos Boozer is the only Chicago first teamer to start every game, and Derrick Rose, their star, has missed 14. Thibs and his team responded by accumulating the best record in the NBA. In the process, he also recorded his 100th career win, the fastest coach in NBA history to do so. Congrats Coach, you earned that accolade.

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