Sunday, February 19, 2012

Blackhawks Win 3-1

With about 4 minutes left in the 2nd period, I turned to my girlfriend Sarah and said "I'm going to be really pissed if they lose this game 1-0."
Then the 3rd started. Defense continued to be a little loose, execution was a little off.
Then the talent that had been such a letdown for the Blackhawks during their 9-game losing streak showed up. Sharpy gave a nice pass to the point to Duncan Keith who ripped it home to tie the game at 1.
Davey Bolland knocked a wrister home off Blues' captain David Backes later in the period to increase the lead to two.
Corey Crawford, a guy that has faced a ton of adversity so far this year, saved 29-30 shots and submitted a dazzling performance.
This was a great win. The St. Louis Blues were rolling at the time, the Blackhawks are trying to recover from a terrible month, and things just fit together the way I was hoping. The defense gave Craw some support, blocked a couple of shots, but there's still room for improvement, especially on the defensive end.
Shout-out finally to John Scott. He's a beast by the net, a huge force of nature, and he gets down and dirty to give this team a physicality that they sorely need. He'll be a big help for the rest of the season as the Blackhawks look to make that push for the postseason.
Great win for the Blackhawks who continue their season against evil Detroit on Tuesday.  Hopefully they'll keep this streak rolling.


  1. Nice pat on the back for Jon Scott... it's well deserved :-)

  2. Nice entry... But John Scott spells "John" with an "h"
