Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Bulls Take Win in San Antonio 96-89

Sometimes your stars perform and give you the win. Sometimes one of the role players steps up and and surprises everyone. For the Bulls earlier tonight, it was both.
Derrick Rose stopped settling for jumpers and attacked the rim to hang onto the lead. Luol Deng, a guy that had been 1-7 from the floor before hitting two huge 3's late.
Jeff van Gundy said in the broadcast earlier that Ronnie Brewer is primarily a defensive guy and doesn't really provide much shooting. Then Ronnie Brewer scored 6 straight points in the 4th to keep the lead going.
Great win for the Bulls. Some guys stepped up, but it was by no means easy. Only 2 starters (Jo and DRose) scored in double figures until it came down to fouls. Lu, Boozer, and Rip combined for 8-29 from the floor and just 20 total points. Rip and Boozer were benched for most of the 4th quarter in favor of Brewer and Taj Gibson, respectively. These were the 2 guys who are supposed to take the load off Derrick Rose when the going gets tough. This can't happen again. This team is too good to succumb to those kind of pitfalls.
With 2:44 left in the 1st quarter, Bulls fans saw their season flash before their eyes with Rose clutching his knee after an incidental collision with Tony Parker. Who stepped up? None other than CJ Watson. I don't know if that speaks to the depth the Bulls bring to the table or to the fact that the bigger scorers (more specifically Boozer and Hamilton) couldn't pick up the slack. It might be both.
One way or another, Chicago went into super-hot San Antonio and came away with a win against a team that had only one home loss on the season prior. Some games can be chalked up to just being another regular season game. This was not one of them. There were too many trends, both scary and encouraging to write this off. The Bulls showed that they can beat one of the best teams in the league despite lackluster performances from their stars. They'll need to win this kind of game in the playoffs, should they be on the horizon.

Blackhawks Win 5-4

You need 60 minutes of ice time for a full shutout. 39 doesn't get you quite there, but sometimes, it's just enough.
Corey Crawford let up 3 goals in the first 20. The Blackhawks scored two themselves and didn't allow the game to get out of hand.
Then enter Ray Emery. 25 shots seen, 24 shots saved. He had some help though. Something about his entry encouraged actual defensive play from a team that some nights seem allergic to physicality.
The 'Hawks aren't getting consistent play from most of their lines. That said, the Brunette/Hossa/Kane line contributed goals 3-4-5 in this game, brought energy and athleticism, and saved this game from getting out of hand.
I'm still not satisfied though. The Blackhawks traded John Scott, a big guy who created havoc around the net, and didn't get much in return. Then in this game they score their goals by creating traffic in front and forcing rebounds and stuffs from the slot. What am I missing? Scott brought toughness, the team needs toughness. This team still plays shallow defense and doesn't block shots and do the dirty work. Maybe Oduya will help that defense. Maybe he'll help them  stiffen up and they'll realize that based on pure talent, they're still one of the best.
Either way, this was a good comeback win, and props need to go out to Emery for keeping it close

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Bulls defeat Hornets 99-95

Great teams find a way to win.
This was by no means an easy game for the Bulls. They let one of the worst teams in the league hang with them for far longer than they should have to the point where it was tied with 25 seconds left in the game.
If not for Derrick Rose's 4th quarter heroics the Bulls would've dropped their first game of the 2nd half to a team with just 8 wins.
In the grander scheme of things, this was a regular season home win. But the implications are a little more intense.
Rip Hamilton played 17 minutes off the bench in his first action in several games coming off injury. He looked a little slow coming off screens and wasn't totally back in shape. That said, he still did some things well, so look for him to play back into game shape as the rest of the second half rolls along.
Of their eight losses, 3 have been to teams sub-.500. Including tonight's game, there were another 3 games that could have gone either way that again were against teams with losing records.
I don't know if the schedule is getting to them at all. The Bulls' heads might just not be in it against lesser competition.
Sometimes there are games when the other team just plays harder than you do. That's what it seemed like tonight. Derrick Rose willed his team to victory, was helped by double-double efforts from Jo and Lu, and they were still able to chalk another up in the win column. That said, if they expect to beat the Heat, they need to put efforts like this behind them and play the kind of basketball they've shown to be capable of playing.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Blackhawks fall to Dallas 3-1

What happened?
The Blackhawks were winning 1-0 going into the third period and looked really good in the process.
Seabrook, Hjalmarsson and the defense had been solid throughout and weren't letting anything through.
Then, with about 10 left in the period, Dallas started capitalizing on mistakes.
Primarily, Blackhawk forwards stopped getting down to block shots. Crawford wasn't able to contain rebounds, and Dallas took advantage.
Chicago did a lot of good things in this game. For about 50 minutes, they looked like they were finally going to come away with their first shutout of the season. The line of Hayes, Brunette and Frolik was energetic and proficient throughout, with Frolik assisting on the only goal.
The Blackhawks' winning streak is snapped at 4, and they remain at 6th in the conference. Again though, there are still many things to improve on from this game. They'll continue to build this Saturday with the first of a quick two-game road trip against Los Angeles.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Bulls Defeat Milwaukee 110-91

Good teams figure out how to put things together before it's too late.
The Bulls didn't look great at first and their defense was loose and late on their rotations.
Then the Bulls remembered that they're one of the best defensive teams in the league, and Joakim Noah dominated all phases of the game. They got to the free-throw line, won the rebounding battle by 20, and it was just business as usual from the 2nd quarter on.
Did I mention that Jo dominated the game? He brought a level of energy unmatched by anyone else on the court, and was instrumental in putting the team back on track after a questionable 1st quarter. He recorded the first triple-double of his career, with 13 points, 13 boards (5 offensive) and 10 dimes. At one point he even showed his range hitting a corner jumper, and flashed his soon-to-be infamous finger guns. Some might call him an obnoxious showboat... actually I think everyone would call him an obnoxious showboat. But this showmanship brings a swagger and confidence that boosts the team's chemistry and performance.
The Bulls are a great team. This was just another player stepping up and filling his role against a much weaker team.
Now with 6 days off for the all-star break, they'll get some much needed rest before coming back and playing New Orleans at home on the 28th.

Rutgers Falls to (10) Marquette

Coaches are important, home court is important, recruiting is important. While these are true, the ultimate asset for a team is talent. Is was pretty obvious in this game that Marquette was the more talented team.
Rutgers didn't play poorly. Seagears, Biruta, Carter, and Miller all scored in double-digits. The Scarlet Knights ultimately won the rebounding battle. In the end though, they just couldn't stop the stars from Marquette.
Jae Crowder had 27-7-4-3-3
Darius Johnson-Odom had 21 points.
The Golden Eagles scored an inordinate amount of fastbreak points, and their press was impenetrable.
Look, no one expected the Scarlet Knights to win this game. Marquette is the 10th best team in the country for a reason. Rutgers held with them for a little while before falling, which is encouraging in some regard.
Finally, Gil Biruta continued to build off his strong performance against Syracuse and showed that he has the potential to be a force down low. He shot 66% from the floor with 12 points and 4 rebounds, and showed the energy and hustle that is now expected of him. If he is able to cut down on the turnovers and silly fouls, he will be a much needed stabilizing force in the post.
The Scarlet Knights' next game takes place on Saturday at the Rock for their final meeting of the season vs. Seton Hall.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Blackhawks Win 2-1

Boy it feels good to beat an evil team, doesn't it?
The Blackhawks have now rolled off 4-straight coming out of their 9-game slump, yet no win was as big as this last one.
In a previous post I wrote about how important it was that the Hawks' starts stepped up in big moments, but this game was just the opposite.
With team captain Jonathan Toews out with the mysterious "upper-body" injury, everyone knew coming in that this would be a struggle. The young guys though performed their roles admirably though and the Hawks pulled it out. Rookie winger Jimmy Hayes tied the game in the 2nd period on a rebound. He later added an assist on Kruger's early 3rd period goal.
Most importantly though, Corey Crawford only let up 1 goal despite seeing over 30 shots. The Blackhawks still have yet to record a shutout this season, but if Crawford is able to consistently play as well as he has on this winning streak then it might not matter. His performance is key. The team steps up when he does, and wilts when he doesn't. As long as he's stopping shots and the defense is playing, well, defense, then this team will be much scarier come playoff time.
These Hawks are inconsistent. The same team let up 18 goals in two games in Edmonton this year and went on a 9-game skid, and now haven't given up more than 1 in any of the last 3.
Whatever Q is doing now is working. The question is, how long before the team tunes him out again and he needs to switch everything up?

Monday, February 20, 2012

Bulls defeat Atlanta 90-79

Hey Lu, how's that back feeling?
No, I'm not asking Derrick, though I hope his is feeling pretty good too.
I ask Luol Deng because in submitting close to a double-double, he put the team on his back.
Yes, D-Rose submitted a nice 23 point performance, and it was good to see him return to action, but with 3 minutes left in the 4th, who knocked down the dagger 3 to put the Bulls up 9?
This game was both energizing and disconcerting. The Bulls seemed to feed off Rose's play, and he was back to recklessly throwing his body around the same way he did before the spasms. John Lucas III and Mike James filled in for injured CJ Watson and helped bridge the gap between Rose's visits to the bench.
However, with a comfortable 20 point lead in the 3rd, the Bulls let up. The Hawks started getting to the foul line. They entered a full court press that no one was able to break up. Tracy McGrady (really? T-Mac? Really?) knocked in a 3-pointed to cut the lead to 5. The Bulls looked defeated, that's not a good sign.
Yes, in the end, the Bulls beat one of the better teams in the league. They were ahead for most of the game, and made shots when it counted. They will be in more situations like this though, and it will be incumbent upon them to perform for the full 48 minutes.
Luol Deng deserves to be an all-star. He's the glue. He's the 2nd guy. And he's the one picking up the slack when Rose is hurting. Right now the Bulls are not the best team in the NBA because of their depth or their talent. They're the best because they know who they are. Rose is the star. Deng is the glue. Noah is the energy.
Ronnie Brewer gives you a spot start wherever he's needed. When a team knows their roles, they can go places. Let's see where these Bulls go.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Blackhawks Win 3-1

With about 4 minutes left in the 2nd period, I turned to my girlfriend Sarah and said "I'm going to be really pissed if they lose this game 1-0."
Then the 3rd started. Defense continued to be a little loose, execution was a little off.
Then the talent that had been such a letdown for the Blackhawks during their 9-game losing streak showed up. Sharpy gave a nice pass to the point to Duncan Keith who ripped it home to tie the game at 1.
Davey Bolland knocked a wrister home off Blues' captain David Backes later in the period to increase the lead to two.
Corey Crawford, a guy that has faced a ton of adversity so far this year, saved 29-30 shots and submitted a dazzling performance.
This was a great win. The St. Louis Blues were rolling at the time, the Blackhawks are trying to recover from a terrible month, and things just fit together the way I was hoping. The defense gave Craw some support, blocked a couple of shots, but there's still room for improvement, especially on the defensive end.
Shout-out finally to John Scott. He's a beast by the net, a huge force of nature, and he gets down and dirty to give this team a physicality that they sorely need. He'll be a big help for the rest of the season as the Blackhawks look to make that push for the postseason.
Great win for the Blackhawks who continue their season against evil Detroit on Tuesday.  Hopefully they'll keep this streak rolling.

Could it be 3?

Could it be 3?
I don't understand Rutgers basketball right now. Wins against  8th ranked Florida, and 10th ranked UCONN, competing with 10th ranked Georgetown and earlier today they pushed 2nd ranked Syracuse to the limit.This is Rutgers at their best. Something about Mike Rice's coaching techniques causes them to play up to their competition, especially at home.
Losses against DePaul and Providence though blur any judgment lines possible. The come out sloppy, tired, and play generally bad basketball.
So what is it? Eli Carter and Jerome Seagears can score. Gilvydas Biruta showed earlier today that he can be a force down low. They can play good defense if they're inspired.
I could talk about how they blew the chance to beat one of the best teams in the country. But that would be expecting too much. For right now I'll settle with knowing that soon Rutgers will put it together. With an inconsistent Dane Miller as their leader right now, they'll figure it out. Great effort and a great performance, and this team is showing sign of life like this school has never seen before. I'm now, more than earlier in the season, incredibly excited to see this team perform in what will be a much more watered down Big East. Go RU!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Bulls Lose 97-85

This is not the way I wanted to start this blog off. I was expecting an easy win over a crummy Nets team, and the Bulls would improve to 8-2 without Derrick Rose. But then the game started.
The Nets got out to an improbable 19-3 lead and were hitting everything. The Bulls, on the other hand, couldn't hit the broad side of a barn. Turnovers kept mounting, and the Nets kept making them pay.
Sure, the Bulls crept back into the game a little bit, cutting the lead to 7 in the 2nd quarter. The Nets though kept pouring it on and that led to a pretty easy win against the best team in the NBA.
Am I still talking about the Bulls here? This is the deepest team in the league, one that in no way be losing to the 8-win Nets. Luol Deng shouldn't be shooting 5-14 from the floor. Kris Humphries shouldn't be able to go for 24-18-5 against anyone, let alone the best defense in the league.
The most important part though, is the play of the point guard position. Between CJ Watson, John Lucas III, and newcomer Mike James, I never got the sense that they were in control of the offense. Luol Deng, an all-world defender and great leader, cannot be expected to accrue 10-11 assists per night. It's up to those veterans, along with the front-court tandem of Boozer and Noah to pick up the slack. This was a pathetic effort from most of the team.
Luckily though, in the grand scheme of things, this game doesn't really mean much. The Bulls still have the best record in the NBA, and the Nets still suck. Hopefully they'll be able to put it together on Monday against Atlanta and I'll be able to get this terrible taste out of my mouth.